Releasing deep rooted beliefs
Greetings, dear friends and fellow seekers of wellness! Today, I'm excited to share with you an energy healing modality that has deeply enriched my practice as an energy healing practitioner: 1000 Beliefs. Many of you have journeyed with me through the transformative realms of Body Code and Emotion Code over the past year, and now, I am thrilled to introduce this powerful new approach.
Initially certified in Emotion and Body Code, I recently delved into 1000 Beliefs, a method similar to its predecessor but with a distinct focus on identifying and releasing negative beliefs that may hinder our spiritual and emotional well-being. Similar to how I use muscle testing to uncover trapped emotions, I now use it to pinpoint negative beliefs residing within your energy system.
Here's how it works: during a session, I employ muscle testing to inquire which negative belief your body is ready to release. These beliefs are categorized into specific rows corresponding to different chakras and aspects of our psyche, such as safety, survival, victim mindset, and more. For instance, a negative belief in the root chakra might be "I don’t have what I need to survive," while in the heart chakra, it could manifest as "holding onto all the emotional abuse in my life."
Once identified, I facilitate the release of these beliefs, much like how emotions are liberated using Body Code techniques. This process acknowledges that negative beliefs can form layers, requiring patient navigation and release, akin to peeling away layers of an onion.
What sets 1000 Beliefs apart is its ability not only to release but also to install positive beliefs. Imagine this: just as you would nurture a garden, we 'install' affirmations that resonate with your needs and aspirations. For example, for the heart chakra, we might 'install' the belief: "I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind and body, and through all of my experiences." This installation process involves filling your energy field with the vibrancy and positivity of these affirmations, helping to replace old, limiting beliefs with empowering new perspectives.
Whether integrated into a regular session or explored as a standalone belief session, this modality offers a profound opportunity for growth and healing. By releasing stagnant energies and embracing positive beliefs, we pave the way for greater vitality, emotional freedom, and alignment with our true selves.
If this resonates with you and sparks curiosity, I invite you to reach out. Let's embark on this journey together, unlocking the potential for positive transformation and renewed energy. Together, we can nurture a space where joy, healing, and abundance thrive. Here’s to embracing the power of belief and the journey towards holistic well-being!
With warmth and light,
Martha Greeley